Spreading The Love in Autumn Fest

The Mooncake Festival is drawing near. Taking advantage of this joyous moment, our Posco E&C Vietnam family will bring forth more help, hope and love for the poor and unfortunate children in Nhon Trach, Dong Nai through a CSR event called “Spreading the love in Autumn Fest” at 13:40pm, Saturday, September 6.

Main participants of the program will be Posco E&C Vietnam staff, local authorities and 250 Nhon Trach poor & disable children. New joiners are specially recommended to join since  with  this  first  ever  CSR  event  at  Posco  E&C  Vietnam,  you  will  have  a  great opportunity to not only physically express your caring for the community, but also to learn and embrace our company’s culture while tightening your internal network.